NBGC Veterans Golf General Information
Welcome to Nelson Bay Vets Golf
Nelson Bay Golf Club Vets have a strong weekly competition. If you are over 55 and at least a NBGC Social Golfing Member, the Vets provide a great 9-hole competition.
The NBGC Veterans are a sub-group of the Nelson Bay Golf Club.
Veterans Golf memberships are open to financial playing members of the Nelson Bay Golf Club who have reached the age of 55.
Player concessions are available to under 55 applicants with special needs.
There is no separate membership fee for the Veterans in addition to the NBGC fee.
A Veteran Golf membership form must be submitted and is available from the NBGC reception or a Vets committee member.
Our aim is to have weekly golfing competitions normally on Mondays and Thursdays, to enjoy nine holes of golf, and afterwards fellowship in the clubhouse. The Monday competition is followed in the clubhouse by a presentation of golf prizes and a raffle for vouchers to the local Butcher.
The Vets event program is posted on the notice board outside the Pro-Shop at the commencement of each new month.
Log into Vets golf web site to place your name into competitions.
(Note: From July 2021, the starting sheets will be on the Vets web site (details to be published) for game registration. If there are any questions, please contact a member of the Vets committee.
Visitors are always welcome. Visitors with a GA handicap (mandatory) from other golf clubs may play in the Veterans competition.
Visitors are not eligible for trophies.
President - Martyn Jeggo 0409 166 752
Vice President -
Captain - David Diemar 0488 152 565
Vice Captain- Dennis Staff 0420 341 491
Secretary - Michael King 0417262744
Treasurer - Ted Williams 0432 036 805
NBGC complies with the Golf Link handicapping system, but it is not necessary for Vets only players called a social playing member to have a Golf Link number.
The maximum Vets handicap is 45. Handicap adjustments are made in accordance with NSW and Golf Australia guidelines as adopted by the committee.
New Members, if they have a Golf Link handicap, will have that adjusted in accordance with Vets rules and is adjusted to 4/5 of the GL handicap.
New players without a Golf Link. handicap will be given a provisional Vets handicap after submitting three cards (9 holes). New players should mark these cards “for handicap”.
The regular competition is Stableford intermixed with occasional rounds of Stroke play and Ambrose. Stroke is played when there are five Mondays or five Thursdays in any given month.
The following is a guide:
A minimum of 45 players is required for a competition on a Monday if less than 45 the Monday competition is then played the same as the Thursday competition. The Thursday competition must have a minimum number of 25 for a full competition if less then it is played as a ball competition. Monday & Thursday competition prize pool is determined by the number of players participating as per a set scale.
Nearest the Pin (NTP) a Ball each (Generally comp split between two nine holes on Monday one nine hole on Thursday)
Individual Events are played in two divisions –
handicaps 1-25 (A Division) and 26- 45(B Division).
The handicap split is reviewed annually to approximately a 50/50 split.
Handicap score is adjusted by a Vets bonus point system an accumulative bonus point system to a maximum of ten is in place where each individual participant earns a bonus point for every Monday comp played. These bonus points are added to a players Monday score to increase their chance of being a prize pool winner. Three bonus points are deducted if the player wins a prize. A credit voucher is awarded to the winner and 2nd place for each division. Vouchers can be used in the Club or Pro Shop.
Pro shop credits are awarded to the runners up and for NTP winners. Special Prizes can be awarded eg eagle or hole in one
The players handicap is adjusted according to the player score (without bonus point adjustment).
Thursday Individual Events are played in one division..
Prizes are awarded in a similar manner to Mondays but there is no Bonus system in play
An Eagle in competition is awarded one pro shop credit.
A Hole in One is awarded a $40 voucher and a trophy.
These prizes are for Monday and Thursday competitions
For both competitions, the number of prize winners depends on the number of players this is taken from a credit scale.
Winners of a Monday event are announced on the day of competition. Monday and Thursday winners are displayed on the handicap board on the following Friday.
New Vets members should see the pro shop staff about opening an account.
If weather causes cancellation of an event, the Captain or, in his absence, the Vice Captain, will notify the Pro Shop by 11.00 am. Members may contact the pro shop after 11.00 am.
An informal non-competition ball comp may be substituted.
New competitions are setup on the Vets Golf web site generally two weeks prior to the competition taking place. Players may nominate their own starting times and playing partners if they have their buddy system set up. A member must not change the starting times of another player without the approval of that player.
Players are required to make every effort to ensure that they alternate between (front & back) nines each week.
Arrangements can be made for players who have special needs, such as a particular time requirement or who need to share a cart. However, the final order of play rests with the Competition Manager.
Competition results and future draws are published in the “Veterans” section under the heading “Golf” in the NBGC website home page at the first reasonable opportunity.
Current Vets competition fees for Mondays and Thursdays are $13-00. $10.00 is a green fee each day and $3.00 goes towards winners’ prizes, annual trophies and general Vets funds including a contribution to the Presentation Day or Night on the last formal Monday competition.
Members compete for a number of trophies and annual awards. For this purpose, Monday and Thursday competitions are separate. Members are only eligible for one trophy or annual award for Monday events. However, a member may win a trophy or annual award in each of Monday and Thursday competitions.
Moses Trophy: Most Monday attendances throughout the year a prize is awarded by Moses Golf
Schiemar Trophy: Total of the best 20 rounds for the “over 80-year-olds”
Rose Trophy: Total of the best 20 rounds. The best score wins the Trophy, vouchers are awarded to the three divisional winners.
TentonTrophy: Best Net Stableford score on holes 1-9.
Garnett Trophy: Best net stableford score on holes 19-27.
Trophy winners, other than the winner of the Moses Trophy, are also awarded vouchers. For the Rose, Tenton and Garnett trophies, the vouchers are awarded to winners in three divisions: Division 1, Handicaps 1-19: Division 2, Handicaps 20-27: Division 3, Handicaps 28-45.
Vouchers are awarded for winner and runner up in the following two categories:
Total of the best 20 rounds
Best individual 9-hole score.
There are two special Trophy awards for the Monday competition these are the Geoff Elliott award and the Stan Kutcha award.
The Geoff Elliott award is for the best stableford score without bonus points on a selected Monday normally in June.
The Stan Kutcha award is for the best stroke score without bonus points on a selected Monday normally in July.
General Notes
The Trophies are played for in three divisions determined by handicap as follows Division one handicaps 1-19 division two handicap 20-27 Division three handicap 28-45.
A Vet must play at less 10 rounds for the Garnett and Tenton trophies.
Preferred lies allowed only when the players ball is on the fairway they are playing within a 300mm radius no nearer the hole.
This allows a player when in the bush and unplayable or lost to place his ball on the fairway one club length from the edge of the fairway with a penalty of one stroke. This rule does not apply to a ball in a hazard which must be played as per the rules of golf.
A player may take relief from tree roots anywhere on the course to avoid damage to wrists or club without penalty, ball to be placed at nearest point of relief no nearer the hole.
Stroke day scoring
Par three holes if you have 6 strokes and are not in the hole pick up score 6
Par four holes if you have 8 strokes and are not in the hole pick up score 8
Par five holes if you have 10 strokes and are not in the hole pick up score 10
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